2017 THEME: “Evidence-Based Nutrition for the Entire Health Care Team…. Reclaiming Simple Traditional Plant-based Foods in the Prevention / Treatment of Diabetes and Other Chronic Diseases.”
4th Annual National Plant-based Prevention Of Disease (P-POD) Conference…. a 501(c)(3) nonprofit collaboration without commercial funding

“Full” conference: 1:30 pm Thurs. May 18 to 12:35 pm Sat. May 20, 2017, followed by included Farewell Luncheon. (17.25 to 17.5 hours of continuing education activity)
(Optional arrival-luncheon, 12:10 – 1:25 pm, Thurs. May 18)
“Short” conference 1st option: 1:30 pm Thurs. May 18 to 5:55 pm Fri. May 19, 2017, followed by included dinner plus evening reception/party. (13.5 to 13.75 hours of continuing education activity)
(Optional arrival-luncheon, 12:10 – 1:25 pm, Thurs. May 18)
“Short” conference 2nd option: 6:45 pm Thurs. May 18 to 12:35 pm Sat. May 20, 2017, followed by included Farewell Luncheon. (13.5 to 13.75 hours of continuing education activity)
(Optional arrival-dinner, 5:35 – 6:45 pm, Thurs. May 18)
Location: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM.
Lodging: Walkable campus apartments may be booked through P-POD registration.
Meals during the conference are included with registration, except for the optional first-meal-upon-arrival as described above. All will be vegan natural foods without wheat added, and breakfasts will consist of simple basic foods. Following the Friday dinner, on-site reception and party activities will continue throughout the evening.
Physical Activity: Optional fitness related activities are being planned for mornings before classes begin, tentatively including a campus run on Friday and a fitness “boot camp” on Saturday. We plan to have a dancing party Friday evening. There is enough time in the schedule to take a 15 or 20 minute walking/stretching break (which we encourage) before each lunch.
OPTIONAL RECREATION / FUN / EXPLORATION ACTIVITIES IN NEARBY SANTA FE AFTER CONFERENCE END: We will be arranging for collaborators in Santa Fe to offer optional separate enjoyable activities in Santa Fe from late Saturday afternoon through Sunday…. a chance to add some vacation/tourism time to your conference time. Details will emerge at a later date.
Overall P-POD Conference Objectives:
[For each objective, it is understood that the text should be prefaced by, “The participant will be able to….”.]
1. Identify dietary risk factors associated with development or progression of major chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes.
2. Describe evidence for specific protective mechanisms and health benefits that may be provided at cellular, individual and global levels via plant-based nutrition.
3. Discuss how nutritional advisement emphasizing plant-based approaches may be integrated into clinical practice, thus facilitating positive, measurable and cost effective clinical outcomes for various preventable chronic diseases.
4. Identify factors that influence dietary choices or discourage behavior change, as well as strategies and techniques for promoting sustainable nutritional advancement in individuals and communities.
(Scroll down for objectives for individual presentations.)
DOWNLOAD complete schedule from below including all learning objectives
THURSDAY 12:10-1:25 pm [An optional on-site separately-payable luncheon is available prior to beginning of the program.]
THURSDAY AFTERNOON PLENARY SESSION, 1:30-5:35 pm (4 hours plus 5 minutes)
THURSDAY 1:30-1:45 pm
Jonathan Nez, MPA (Navajo/Diné):
Introductory remarks and community public health context: “Awakening of a New Dawn”
(a) Recognize the enormous public health importance to the Navajo/Diné nation of nutrition-based disease prevention measures.
THURSDAY 1:45-2:10 pm
Scott Jurek, MS:
Beyond Disease Prevention: The Power of Plants for Athletic Performance
(a) Identify plant foods that can be utilized effectively for fuel in extreme endurance events.
(b) List the potential benefits of plant foods for athletic endeavors generally.
(c) Cite historical examples of plant foods playing a crucial role in success in extreme endurance events.
THURSDAY 2:10-2:40 pm
Lyle Etsitty, BS CHW (Navajo/Diné):
A Case Study of a Native American Plant-based Journey to Health: Lessons Learned
(a) Describe the impact of diabetes and obesity among the Navajo/Diné people.
(b) Explain how a tradition-rooted Navajo plant-based dietary pattern can promote disease reversal.
(c) Recognize the importance of family member involvement and support during health-promoting lifestyle-change efforts.
THURSDAY 2:40-3:20 pm
Debbie Petitpain, RDN MS LDN:
Beyond “All You Have To Do Is Change Everything”…. Behavior Change Strategies That Work
(a) Identify practical barriers to dietary change in even the most motivated patients.
(b) Describe the Intention-Behavior Gap and cite ways to help patients bridge the gap.
(c) List strategies for providing patient-centered care to all vulnerable patients.
THURSDAY 3:20-3:40 pm [break]
THURSDAY 3:40-4:50 pm: Focus Lecture and Round Table on “Healthy Practitioner Lifestyle, Healthy Patient Lifestyle”….
(1) THURSDAY 3:40-4:10 pm
Mladen Golubic, MD PhD:
Focus Lecture: “Nutrition, Physical Activity, Stress Relief: Lifestyle Self-care Practices Can Help Both Practitioners and Patients Ward Off Obesity, Chronic Inflammation and Diseases such as Cancer”
(a) Discuss the key role of modifiable lifestyle factors in development and progression of common chronic diseases.
(b) Describe mechanisms by which lifestyle choices modulate risks of chronic diseases and can be used not just for prevention, but as a treatment.
(c) Identify and implement essential lifestyle elements of an optimal self-care program in everyday life.
(2) THURSDAY 4:10-4:50 pm
Round Table: “Walking the Walk: How Practitioners Can Empower Patients through Their Example, toward Optimal Diet and Disease Prevention”
Chair: Brenda Davis, RD:
Joanne Evans, RN MEd PMHCNS-BC:
Mladen Golubic, MD PhD:
(a) List 7 steps that may be taken toward a nutritionally optimal diet that would reduce chronic disease risks.
(b) Discuss challenges to practicing plant-based dietary approaches that may be applicable either to practitioners or patients.
(c) Describe results of some past self-care health promotion efforts that were targeted at practitioners.
THURSDAY 4:50-5:35 pm
Mariana Stern, PhD:
Current Research about Cancer Risk of Latina Women, in the Context of the Diversity of Latina/Latino Populations in the U.S.
(a) Identify the main sources of variability among U.S. Latino populations that affect health outcomes.
(b) Describe the genetic background of Latino populations and the possible role of genetic admixture on cancer risk.
(c) Discuss current knowledge about the role that diets high in meat play in cancer among Latinos.
THURSDAY 5:35-6:45 pm [dinner in conference hall]
THURSDAY EVENING PLENARY SESSION, 6:45-8:30 pm: (1.5 hours)
THURSDAY 6:45-7:25 pm
Saray Stancic, MD FACN:
Potential for Lifestyle Medicine and Plant-based Nutrition to Address Auto-immune Diseases
(a) Define the immune system and explain its normal function in health maintenance.
(b) Discuss autoimmune disease: pathology, epidemiology, clinical examples and conventional treatments.
(c) Cite scientific evidence supporting lifestyle and plant-based nutrition medicine in disease management.
T. Colin Campbell, PhD:
Returning to Traditional Foods, to Overcome Chronic Disease
(a) Recognize typical profiles of chronic disease risk for rural populations that subsist on diets constructed around simple traditional unprocessed plant-based foods.
(b) Describe typical shifts of chronic disease risk for populations whose traditional diets have been overturned by colonization or industrialization.
(c) Predict what changes would be expected in chronic disease risk, based on past research history, if animal-derived and processed foods such as used in the USDA surplus commodity programs, were displaced by traditional indigenous plant-based foods of the southwest region.
FRIDAY prior to 8:35 am [fitness/yoga/running/walking activities of some kinds to be arranged, in conjunction with the speakers for our nutrition / physical-activity synergy round table…. access to gym and shower facilities is available for a small fee charged by the university] We are currently seeking to hold a campus run as part of Friday early-morning activities.
FRIDAY 7:30-8:35 am [basic oat/fruit/nut type breakfast foods provided on-site, remaining available later in the conference hall]
FRIDAY MORNING PLENARY SESSION, 8:35 am – 12:10 pm (3.5 hours plus 5 minutes)
FRIDAY 8:35-9:20 am
Meghan Jardine, RDN MS MBA CDE LDN:
Caroline Trapp, DNP APN-BC CDE FAANP:
Addictivity and Chronic Disease Risk Linked to Cheese: The Latest Research on a Commodity Food Staple
(a) Recognize the implications of having cheese as a subsidized commodity.
(b) Describe casomorphins and the evidence that supports their effect on brain function.
(c) Describe why cheese may contribute to weight gain.
(d) Identify the features of dairy products that contribute to risks of cardiovascular disease and other chronic illnesses.
FRIDAY 9:20-10:25 am: Focus Lecture and Round Table on “Nutrition, Lifestyle and the Brain”….
(1) FRIDAY 9:20-9:45 am
Timothy Radak, RDN DrPH MPH:
Focus Lecture: “Fish and Fish Oil Supplements…. Review of Health Effects and Concerns in Chronic Disease”
(a) Describe fatty acid profiles of fish, including farmed/aquaculture fish.
(b) Describe associations between fish or fish oil intake and chronic disease risks, beyond toxicity-related and nutrient-disruption issues.
(c) Recognize how research-determined health-outcome effects of fish intake vs. other animal-protein-sources intake, differ from those of fish intake vs. plant-based-protein-sources intake.
(d) Appraise whether valid recommendations can be made for recommending fish or fish oil supplements to patients, and identify alternatives from plant-based sources.
(2) FRIDAY 9:45-10:25 am
Round Table on “Cognitive Decline and Emotional Disorders”
Chair: Joanne Evans, RN MEd PMHCNS-BC:
John Pierre:
Timothy Radak, RDN DrPH MPH:
(a) Describe how risks of brain-related diseases are associated with specific nutrients, and may be influenced by whole-food plant-based diets.
(b) Identify a varied assortment of non-dietary behaviors that help protect against cognitive decline.
(c) Cite specific eating choices and non-dietary behaviors that are known to influence mood directly.
(d) Recognize how metabolism of fatty acids such as arachidonic acid affects the brain through action of prostaglandins or neurotransmitters.
FRIDAY 10:25-10:40 am [break]
FRIDAY 10:40-11:25 am
Milton Mills, MD:
Diet and Lifestyle Changes to Prevent, Treat and Reverse Diabetes: The Physiologic and Genetic Mechanisms in the Development of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
(a) Describe the differences between auto-immune diabetes and insulin resistance diabetes.
(b) Identify the physiological relationship between metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.
(c) Describe the intersection between diet/lifestyle factors and the development of type 2 diabetes.
(d) Explain how changes in diet can prevent, ameliorate and/or reverse type 2 diabetes and lesson the effects of type 1 diabetes.
FRIDAY 11:25 am – 12:10 pm
Lois Ellen Frank, PhD (Kiowa):
Seeds of Health: Reclaiming Native American Plant-based Foods “before Diabetes”, for Contemporary Health and Wellness
(a) Recognize how Native American Traditional Ecological Knowledge (or TEK) may be implemented today through sustainable use of ancestrally known and locally-appropriate Native American plant-based foods and foodways.
(b) Describe how practitioners’ teaching methods/strategies may guide patients toward reflecting ancestral ingredients and cuisine in their wellness-supporting contemporary dishes.
(c) Discuss how to prepare nutritious, health-promoting and inexpensive foods as part of an initiative to prevent diabetes.
FRIDAY 12:10-12:25 pm [stretching or campus stroll opportunity before luncheon] FRIDAY 12:10 [luncheon food service available to begin] FRIDAY 12:25-12:35 pm: Please gather luncheon food and get seated in your chosen A, B, C or D room.
FRIDAY “WORKING LUNCH” BREAKOUT SESSION, 12:35-1:50 pm (1.25 hours)
Presentation plus Interactive Discussion: “Navajo Nutrition Panel on the Power Plate for Nutrition Education”
Moderator: Caroline Trapp, DNP APN-BC CDE FAANP:
Margilene Barney, Dietary Manager and Diabetes Prevention Assistant Certification (Navajo/Diné):
Yolanda Ellis-Bileen, Dietary Manager and Diabetes Prevention Assistant Certification (Navajo/Diné):
Lena Guerito, Dietary Manager and Diabetes Prevention Assistant Certification (Navajo/Diné):
(a) Describe the role of plants in traditional Navajo/Diné dietary patterns.
(b) Discuss the development and symbolism of the Diné Power Plate graphic.
(c) Identify the roles of several key nutrients in our diets, and where they are well represented among the Diné Power Plate foods.
Focus Lecture and Round Table with Interactive Discussion on: “Behavior Change”….
(1) FRIDAY 12:35-12:50 pm, Focus Lecture: “Childhood Obesity and the Need to Transform Our Communities”
Rita Condon, BS:
(a) Describe the scope of the problem of childhood obesity in New Mexico.
(b) Identify influences that can be modified to address the epidemic of childhood obesity.
(2) FRIDAY 12:50-1:50 pm, Round Table with Interactive Discussion: “Strategies for Promoting Patient Behavior Change toward Improved Personal and Global Health”
Chair: Micaela Karlsen, MSPH:
Rita Condon, BS:
Amanda Hatherly, MS:
Timothy Radak, RDN DrPH MPH:
Nancy Rodriguez, RN CDE BSN:
(a) Discuss typical personal barriers that patients face with respect to dietary changes.
(b) Discuss challenges and limitations that practitioners find in facilitating patient dietary behavior change.
(c) Describe strategies for practitioners to gain rapport and help patients address their needs within brief appointment durations.
(d) Identify convincing ways of communicating about the benefits of plant based diets for personal health promotion and environmental sustainability.
Round Table with Interactive Discussion on Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine:
“Lifestyle Medicine: A Healing Pathway…. The Positive Health Cascade of Integrating More Plants in Our Lives”
Chair: Monique Richard, RDN MS LDN:
Mladen Golubic, MD PhD:
Parul Kharod, RDN MS LDN:
(a) Identify the roles of poor nutrition, mindless eating, stress and the “S.A.D.” lifestyle in the prevalence of chronic disease.
(b) Recognize the science- and evidence-based benefits of combining plant-based diets with approaches to functional medicine and integrative lifestyle.
(c) Cite practical examples of integrating complementary medicine with use of herbs, plant-based foods and natural supplements in promoting health of the whole body, mind and spirit.
Focus Lecture and Round Table with Interactive Discussion on: “The Nutrition / Exercise Alliance”….
(1) FRIDAY 12:35-12:50 pm, Focus Lecture: “Exercise and Diabetes: Efforts Taken to Regain Health within the Seneca Nation”
Andrea John, BS NSCA-CPT (Seneca):
(a) Identify at least two factors that are considered influential toward increased incidence of diabetes within the Seneca Nation.
(b) Cite efforts made within the Seneca Nation to increase physical activity in order to help prevent and control diabetes and other chronic conditions.
(c) Explain how traditional life of the Seneca links to and overlaps with today’s efforts to regain optimal community health.
(2) FRIDAY 12:50-1:50 pm, Round Table with Interactive Discussion: “Synergistic Effects of Physical Activity and Plant-based Nutrition in Chronic Disease Prevention”
Chair: Matt Ruscigno, RDN MPH:
Andrea John, BS NSCA-CPT (Seneca):
Scott Jurek, MS:
John Pierre:
(a) Describe the physiological benefits of regular exercise, and even frequent varied movement of all body parts, on behalf of disease prevention.
(b) Identify 3 compounds particular to plant foods that are beneficial for both physical activity recovery and chronic disease prevention.
(c) Explain how for most patients experiencing prediabetes or early diabetes stages, guided combined exercise and nutrition programs offer a safer and more promising disease-intervention approach than does medication.
(d) Discuss potential strategies for guiding patients through gradual “phase-in” of new physical activity regimens and health-promoting plant-based dietary choices.
FRIDAY AFTERNOON PLENARY SESSION, 2:00-5:55 pm (4 hours minus 5 minutes)
FRIDAY 2:00-2:35 pm: PART ONE of (continued Saturday morning)…. Focus Lectures and Round Table on “The Health of Underserved and Vulnerable Populations”….
(1) FRIDAY 2:00-2:20 pm
Jennifer Rooke, MD MPH FACOEM FACPM:
Focus Lecture: “Using Lifestyle Medicine against Cardiovascular Disease in an Atlanta Urban Population”
(a) Discuss the risk and incidence of cardiovascular disease among Black people in the U.S.
(b) Describe the basic pathophysiology that characterizes cardiovascular disease as a food borne illness.
(c) Explain why focusing patients upon a specific toxin in the diet regarded as causative for cardiovascular disease, may help them to adhere to a plant-based diet.
(2) FRIDAY 2:20-2:35 pm
Nancy Rodriguez, RN CDE BSN:
Focus Lecture: “Working with the Entire Latino Family Unit to Help Prevent or Reverse Diabetes through Plant-based Nutrition”
(a) Recognize the crucial importance of engaging all family members together during healthful dietary change advisement, for cultures such as Latinas/Latinos in the U.S.
(b) Describe approaches to “making over” culturally most familiar and desired foods…. adapting them and substituting plant-based whole foods to reduce disease risk.
(c) Cite research results tracking use of plant-based diets in Latino communities for prevention/reversal of diabetes and for improvement of markers such as a1c.
FRIDAY 2:35-3:10 pm
Caroline Trapp, DNP APN-BC CDE FAANP:
Take the Test; Know Your Score…. A “Food For Life” Tool to Assess Diet Quality and Diabetes Risk
(a) Contrast and evaluate popular dietary quality assessment/education tools.
(b) Describe the benefits and limitations of a particular self-assessment tool that may be used by patients, clients and nutrition class attendees to measure and track diet quality objectively.
FRIDAY 3:10-3:55 pm
Meghan Jardine, RDN MS MBA CDE LDN:
The Microbiota’s Role in Obesity and Diabetes…. It Calls for a Nutrition Prescription!
(a) Describe the potential etiologies of dysbiosis and its impact on obesity, diabetes and related diseases.
(b) Explain how the activity of the microbiota can contribute to inflammation, insulin resistance, and altered energy metabolism.
(c) Describe how healthy eating patterns, and potentially prebiotics and probiotics, can influence the composition and metabolic activity of the microbiota improving human health.
FRIDAY 3:55-4:20 pm [P-POD group photo, and break]
FRIDAY 4:20-4:50 pm
Robert Ostfeld, MD MSc FACC:
Lecture Part 1: “Cutting Edge Research…. Confessions of a Reformed Cardiologist”
(a) Recognize epidemiological evidence about plant-based diets as a background for re-evaluating the practice of cardiology.
(b) Describe translational research evidence that has encouraged the use of plant-based nutrition as a valid component of cardiology practice.
(see also below)
FRIDAY 4:50-5:55 pm: Focus Lecture and Round Table on “How Clinicians Make It Work”….
(1) FRIDAY 4:50-5:05 pm
Robert Ostfeld, MD MSc FACC:
Focus Lecture: “Plant-based Nutrition in Day to Day Clinical Practice”
(a) Cite successful clinical precedents for use of plant-based diets as interventions for cardiovascular disease.
(b) Discuss the practical aspects of integrating plant-based nutrition advisement into day-to-day practice by a cardiologist.
(2) FRIDAY 5:05-5:55 pm
Clinicians’ Round Table on “Responding to Patients Who Have Active Disease”
Chair: Debbie Petitpain, RDN MS:
Michael Klaper, MD:
Baxter Montgomery, MD FACC:
Robert Ostfeld, MD MSc FACC:
Saray Stancic, MD FACN:
(a) Discuss possible techniques for shifting patients’ perception from futility and passive resignation about disease, to opportunity through active-participation for steady improvement.
(b) Cite the factors or appeals that would be most likely to motivate patients to try to change long-standing deep-seeded destructive behaviors.
(c) Anticipate and assess possible medical-setting conflicts in allocating time/resources/billing-coverage between acute-symptom remediation and long-term-beneficial lifestyle advisement.
(d) Identify ways of self-assessing and carefully improving clinical counseling and communication skills, in order to improve patient outcomes.
FRIDAY 5:55-7:10 pm [dinner in lecture hall] FRIDAY after 7:10 pm [on-site reception, performance and party throughout evening]
SATURDAY prior to 8:35 am [fitness/yoga/running/walking activities of some kinds to be arranged, in conjunction with the speakers for our nutrition / physical-activity synergy round table…. access to gym and shower facilities is available for a small fee charged by the university] We are currently scheduling here a BOOT CAMP with John Pierre!
SATURDAY 7:30-8:35 am [basic oat/fruit/nut type breakfast foods to be provided on-site, remaining available later in the conference hall]
SATURDAY 8:35-9:15 am: PART TWO (continued from Friday afternoon) of…. Focus Lectures and Round Table on “The Health of Underserved and Vulnerable Populations”….
Round Table on “Providing Clinical Advice and Care for Underserved and Vulnerable Populations: Understanding Political, Social and Economic Obstacles”
Chair: Hope Ferdowsian, MD MPH FACP FACPM:
Andrea John, BS NSCA-CPT (Seneca):
Nancy Rodriguez, RN CDE BSN:
Jennifer Rooke, MD MPH FACOEM FACPM:
(a) Describe how political/economic disruptions may artificially induce local/regional scarcity of nutritious foods (or of food in general), or government policies may heavily promote/subsidize refined foods and animal-derived products.
(b) Discuss some of the multiple challenges and injustices that particular vulnerable populations face when attempting healthful lifestyle changes, or even when seeking basic health care.
(c) Describe some promising ways to counsel patients at risk for noncommunicable chronic diseases, with a goal of empowering them for greater control around health outcomes.
(d) Identify potential benefits of whole-food plant-based diets for populations who are at increased risk for obesity, heart disease, diabetes and related diseases.
SATURDAY 9:15-10:00 am
Baxter Montgomery, MD FACC:
A Prescription for Change…. Interventional Nutrition vs. Chronic Diseases and Inflammation
(a) Discuss the commonality of most lifestyle based causative factors among all major chronic diseases.
(b) Explain the criteria crucially required to evaluate a patient’s baseline health status, before evaluation and individually-appropriate treatment or advisement should proceed.
(c) Describe principles of utilizing progressive, staged individual dietary plans as clinical medical interventions for chronic and inflammatory disease conditions.
(d) Describe potential timeframes, during prescribed therapeutic dietary regimens, within which relevant biomarkers of chronic disease activity or risk may reliably reveal any stages of progress.
SATURDAY 10:00-10:45 am
Michael Klaper, MD:
Leaky Gut, Probiotics and Implications for Chronic and Auto-immune Disease
(a) Discuss the origin and function of a healthy microbiome, and the factors in patients’ diets and lifestyles that may injure or unbalance it, with consequences such as increased intestinal permeability.
(b) Explain how increased intestinal permeability may have causative influences on illnesses such as atherosclerotic vascular disease, colitis, Crohn’s disease, asthma, inflammatory arthritis and other autoimmune conditions.
(c) Identify practical, plant-based food strategies for optimizing microbiome health and balance by re-establishing and maintaining normal gut biota.
(d) Describe appropriate clinical use/coordination of plant-based nutrition, probiotics, nutritional supplements and medications to restore normal gut permeability and function.
SATURDAY 10:45-11:05 am [break]
SATURDAY 11:05-11:50 am
Brenda Davis, RD:
Nutritional Reversal of Diabetes in the Marshall Islands and Potentially Worldwide
(a) Cite 3 reasons why the Marshall Islands have among the highest diabetes rates in the world.
(b) Describe at least 2 major barriers to positive health changes in the Marshall Islands.
(c) Identify 5 dietary strategies used to reverse diabetes successfully in the Marshall Islands.
SATURDAY 11:50 am – 12:35 pm
Round Table on “Where Do We Go from Here?…. Prevention, Practice and Policy”
Chair: Kathy Pollard, MS:
Lyle Etsitty, BS CHW (Navajo/Diné):
Hope Ferdowsian, MD MPH FACP FACPM:
Matt Ruscigno, RDN MPH:
Caroline Trapp, DNP APN-BC CDE FAANP:
(a) Identify several outstanding educational tools/messages regarding disease prevention through nutrition, that emerged during this conference.
(b) Identify several outstanding clinical strategies for promoting sustainable patient behavior change and improved patient care, that emerged during this conference.
(c) Explain why it should be regarded as a moral imperative in clinical settings to advise patients about available evidence-based lifestyle approaches (such as via whole-food plant-based diets) known to have preventive or remediative effects for chronic diseases.
(d) Discuss how you will use at least one key message from this conference to advise/counsel patients with limited financial resources.
(e) Describe several ways in which government policies or resources may be utilized or newly pursued on behalf of health-promoting food access or nutritional awareness.
SATURDAY 12:35 pm onward [luncheon may be enjoyed until 2:20 pm, so we invite you to take a stretch/stroll break first] SATURDAY 12:35-2:20 pm [Farewell Luncheon]
SATURDAY 2:30 pm through Sunday [optional off-site P-POD recreation/retreat/exploration/festival time…. opportunities in Santa Fe]