Photography 2014
A selection of photographs from the 1st annual national nonprofit Plant-based Prevention Of Disease (P-POD) conference, held Nov. 14-16, 2014 at the University of North Carolina Asheville, has been posted here. The 1st image, below, shows more than half of the attendees during a Saturday afternoon break between classes. Below that, to the right, our photographer is acknowledged.

5 of the 19 speakers at our 2014 conference made the effort to give the annual North Carolina Dietetic Assn. Asheville meeting an early glimpse of P-POD by teaming up to speak at that meeting’s lunchtime session, just hours before P-POD began. Here, they relaxed over their own vegan lunch afterwards.

Above, our photographer, Van White (, responsible for the remarkable collection below from our 2014 conference (and hundreds more images not posted here), is shown with speaker Thomas M. Campbell II, MD. Van is also an instructor in the Food For Life program.