Top Left…. P-POD 2017 Tallies from Attendee Evaluations
Bottom Left…. Comments Made by Speakers about P-POD 2017

(“5″ out of 5 is the best or most affirmative response in each case)
Under “Please indicate how well the conference met each of the listed learning objectives….”
(1) Identify dietary risk factors associated with development or progression of major chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes.
–82.1% scored 5 out of 5
–17.9% scored 4 out of 5
(2) Describe evidence for specific protective mechanisms and health benefits that may be provided at cellular, individual and global levels via plant-based nutrition.
–75.0% scored 5 out of 5
–21.4% scored 4 out of 5
– 3.6% scored 3 out of 5
(3) Discuss how nutritional advisement emphasizing plant-based approaches may be integrated into clinical practice, thus facilitating positive, measurable and cost effective clinical outcomes for various preventable chronic diseases.
–71.4% scored 5 out of 5
–27.4% scored 4 out of 5
– 1.2% scored 3 out of 5
(4) Identify factors that influence dietary choices or discourage behavior change, as well as strategies and techniques for promoting sustainable nutritional advancement in individuals and communities.
–70.2% scored 5 out of 5
–27.4% scored 4 out of 5
– 2.4% scored 3 out of 5
Under “Please evaluate the effectiveness of each presenter (for all sessions actually attended)….”, these are all COMBINED totals for ALL speakers….
(5) “Was clear, engaging and thorough in content delivery”
–79.3% scored 5 out of 5
–15.3% scored 4 out of 5
– 4.7% scored 3 out of 5
– 0.6% scored 2 out of 5
– 0.1% scored 2 out of 5
(6) “Presenter’s content fulfilled stated objectives”
–79.6% scored 5 out of 5
–14.8% scored 4 out of 5
– 4.9% scored 3 out of 5
– 0.6% scored 2 out of 5
– 0.1% scored 2 out of 5
(7) “Balanced, objective, and supported by evidence-based research”
–79.0% scored 5 out of 5
–14.9% scored 4 out of 5
– 5.1% scored 3 out of 5
– 0.8% scored 2 out of 5
– 0.2% scored 2 out of 5
(8) “Will enhance/improve my future professional performance”
–Yes: 97.4%
–No: 2.6%
(9) “Enhanced/improved my knowledge”
–Yes: 97.8%
–No: 2.2%
Under “Please indicate how well the SESSION met each of ITS LEARNING OBJECTIVES….”
(10) These are COMBINED totals for ALL solo presentations by speakers:
–75.3% scored 5 out of 5
–19.0% scored 4 out of 5
– 4.5% scored 3 out of 5
– 1.1% scored 2 out of 5
– 0.1% scored 1 out of 5

Comments Made by Speakers about P-POD….
I just wanted to express my sincere gratitude for inviting me to the most amazing and resourceful conference I have ever attended! The P-POD changed my life and perspective. My excitement attending every day at the P-POD resonated with me long after the conference. I hope to continue working through you and the others who attended, what wonderful resources!
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A note to thank you for inviting me to be part of a very special meeting. Thank you for all your amazing efforts that are truly making a great difference in our world.
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I didn’t get a chance to give you a formal “Goodbye”, but if I had I would have added a “Well done!” and “Thanks so much for the opportunity to address the P-POD audience.”
You and your team are doing such a great service in advancing plant-based awareness in the healing communities by holding these events, and it was a privilege to be part of it.
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Thank you so much for having me participate in this year’s P-POD – what an amazing event!
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Thanks again for inviting me to be part of this conference!
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I hope that you have recovered from the BEST P-POD CONFERENCE YET on the face of the earth, which is a high bar to begin with.
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Thank you for another successful P-POD conference.
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Again, I’d like to congratulate you and the P-POD board on an amazing conference this year! It’s been a pleasure working with you.
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Thank you again for another fantastic conference!
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We very much enjoyed our stay in Albuquerque. Your arrangements were superb!! I am so sorry that we could not have stayed longer. I very much enjoyed hearing the Navajo stories—inspiring indeed. They have a way of looking at past serious problems and to bring our attention up to the issues that truly matter.
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It was my pleasure to attend and present at the P-POD conference this year.
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I will put other thoughts in another email, summarizing just how ecstatically happy I am with the feedback from participants, who I think are really fired up and empowered to take the P-POD message forward! Congrats on creating something that without you, would not have happened!!!

P-POD 2017 Comments about the Conference Overall, Optionally Added by Some Attendees
I was so glad to see this email from you because I have been thinking about the conference so much since I left. What a fantastic one this was and I am so appreciative to all of you for the hard work necessary to pull something like this off. I cannot properly express how much I enjoy this conference every year, and I leave feeling empowered and enthusiastic about how to continue to get the message out about the benefits of whole food plant-based nutrition. Again, thanks for this labor of love. You are a phenom!
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Thank you so much! I really enjoyed it and can’t imagine all the effort it takes to put such a great program together.
Looking forward to 2018 P-POD!
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My first P-POD conference and the best I have ever attended. Thank you.
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A perfect “5” for my first conference. Amazing!! Positive consistent clear messages!!
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P-POD was a wonderful conference and I really enjoyed it.
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This conference is one of the highlights of my year and I want to do something to give back.

Thank you all for your efforts with this conference! Another fabulous agenda, venue & meals. Really enjoyed the focus on Native American culture and respect for tradition. I loved the P-POD conference. It was done beautifully and I met very interesting people there.
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Everything was incredible. Thank you for the strength I needed to go on.
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LOVED that you incorporated the experiences of and efforts to help the Navajo/Diné people. Loved hearing about native foods. Loved the native inspired meal. I recommend giving the most dynamic speakers more time. I like not having break-out sessions. At the same time, I’ve heard nearly the same content from [3 speakers] a few times. If you want attendees to return, would be good for these dynamic speakers to tweak content more or tap new speakers to participate. The panels weren’t that helpful. Difficult to hear and see. Someone should make sure speakers are constantly reminded to speak into the microphone. Thanks to the whole organizing committee — overall this was a GREAT conference!
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Fantastic conference. Thanks.
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I truly enjoyed this conference and appreciate the hard work that went into it by everyone involved.
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Thanks you for putting together a great conference this year, I found it very informative and inspiring.
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It was a wonderful conference! Thank you so much for organizing it.
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I greatly enjoyed the P-POD conference last month, and hope that it will come back to NM in the future!
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First thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do to make such events possible.
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This conference needs more practical client/patient focused evidence-based tools for one-on-one and group counseling on whole food plant-based. This group is missing applied behavior analysis (evidence-based!).
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Thank you! Excellent conference!
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Wonderful, wonderful conference — THANK YOU for all your hard work , and keeping it affordable! Thank you! I know how much you do.
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I am so happy to be here! Thank you for creating P-POD!!
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Thanks again for putting on such a great event!
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Wow — Thank you for coming to Albuquerque!
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Thank you. It was a wonderful conference.
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I’m trying to come back to the conference next year because I loved it.
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Presenters should be prepared for their time. It is disappointing when they rush through 200 slides. Be more rigorous in data supporting plant-based diets. There is so much solid evidence. This should be easy.

Thank you for the opportunity of a well thought out and organized conference.
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Thank you to everyone for all of your hard work! I am a first time attendee and was very impressed with all the speakers…. I learned SO much and can’t wait to attend next year.
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I really enjoyed the conference and learned a lot.
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Thank you for this conference! We need this conference everywhere!
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This year was great !!!
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The speakers were excellent! Too much crammed in the agenda. We needed breaks to move or network or for you to take care of technology issues.
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I hope all is well with you and you’ve been able to rest from the wonderful conference in Albuquerque.
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Loved this conference.
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THANK you for doing this in NM! It was accessible for me because of this! I’m considering becoming vegan (or having a plant-based diet) because of THIS conference! Thank you!
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THANK YOU for all you do. The speakers were largely beneficial, food was excellent, and LOVE that you have a strong conflict of interest policy. Would be good to have more speakers who have organizations, programs and/or research studies on implementing POPULATION BASED plant-based diet change. Helpful to highlight actual population based outcomes… not just program features. Helpful for those with programs to explicitly identify their features so we can learn how to replicate their success. Need stronger behavioral science speakers.