All P-POD 2015 Comments By Attendees About The Conference Overall…. Please Scroll Down To See!
The following are ALL the comments received about the conference overall, whether signed comments in e-mail, or anonymous comments on paper forms, or online comments solicited by continuing education accreditors. These exclude narrow comments about a specific thing. For example, we excluded the comment about coffee running out early on Saturday…. but we’re getting more coffee in 2016! We excluded the comment about the chairs feeling hard…. but we’ve arranged softer chairs for 2016! Otherwise, nothing has been edited or cut. All names have been removed.
Nonverbal Comments…. At The Bottom Of The Page…. Dance Photos!
Participants in our Saturday night dance party all seemed to have a great time, and their nonverbal comments are expressed via a pictorial remembrance at the bottom of this page! Photos as usual by our photographer Van White.

It was a truly wonderful conference
I’m talking it up to all my coworkers and MD’s for May! Thanks very much
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I am so amazed at all I learned! I will help my patients choose plant basd by assessing where they are on the learning curve and helping give them the information and tools they need to shift to a plant based diet.
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Best conference EVER!!!!! I will be doing a nutritional assesment on each patient and discussing WFPB diet.
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Excellent academic and practical information. I feel better informed for responding to everyday questions patients and friends ask.
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This was the most incredible experience of my life! Thank you!
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I had the immense pleasure of attending the September conference, and I want more!
Exceptional speakers and lively discussion among audience participants and presenters. I am very glad to have been at PPOD 2. I have succinct information to share in even a short period of patient visit; I feel boosted in my confidence that “seeds” of information, encouragement, and being an example of the suggestions I teach, can help individuals at all different levels of interest, awareness, motivation. That final panel really was a “Super Panel”. Thanks to all. I have more information to share, more insights into how I might make information available to different people in different situations, and an increased confidence that what I offer can be helpful.
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I am still on a “conference high” and enjoyed the conference tremendously. Thank you and the rest of the committee for the hard work that made this happen. Part of my job involves planning events and I know how much time and effort it takes to pull off something of this magnitude. The venue was very nice, easy access and easy parking. The food was great, and the speakers! I have been talking about this with everyone I know…. What you are doing is so important and is something I believe in very strongly. Thank you for all you do –
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I do nutrition education with young children, and will adjust some of the things I teach to reflect knowledge gained at the conference.
It was a very nice experience attending the P-POD conference, thank you for a well organized meeting! I hope I will have the possibility to come again next year.
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What a high quality of individuals! What a treat to be exposed to such wonderful human beings. I am loaded with ammunition now to make more than an emotional plea for a WFPBD.
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It was just an outstanding conference and I am so glad I attended.

The presenters were uniformly excellent and I learned a great deal that will help me in with my own dietary practices and also me pass along useful and compelling information in favor of a plant based diet to my patients. The quality of the presentations were excellent — mostly across the board. I will be more forthcoming in recommending a plant-based dietary lifestyle for good health and disease prevention.
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Thank you SO much for all your organizing, coordinating, planning, and leading on this amazing conference for the second time! I got so much out of it (again) and am so glad I got to attend.
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What I learned will encourage me to discuss nutrition issues in MOST of my future patient visits!! I will tell more patients about the benefits of switching to a whole foods, plant-based diet.
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I LOVED the conference. I used lots of the information from the conference for my booth at our [Breast Cancer event] and it was VERY well received. I was so happy to have the resources and to be able to present it in an approachable way for my patients. Thanks for making it possible.

I hope you are recovering from the demanding task of putting together such a successful conference. Excellent program and excellent speakers–thank you!
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Thank you for a phenomenal event! Facilities were excellent in every way. Most of the presenters had more to share than the time allowed. It would have been nice to hear all they had to say in a “less rushed” manner. Perhaps longer days? Or an extra day or two?
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I now have more information to influence health organizations. It provides more evidence for the approach I am taking.
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I attended part of the fall conference – it was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you.
Armed with new knowledge about the latest INDEPENDENT research, I am more able to counsel people about the true benefits of plantbased nutrition. Incredible group of speakers. I felt like I was among the superstars of nutrition and health. I will provide more in-depth information to clients and refer them to pcrm for further information
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Everything we addressed was PERFECT, I loved everything. Nevertheless, I would like to learn things like we what we heard about kale (3/4 cup of cooked kale is equal to vit C or Vit E). That’s super useful on practice. TIME, that’s what I learned the most… I have to change time offered to my patients. Recommend speakers to use few words on slides, more images (some slides were to “hard” to read)
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Wonderful, helpful, exciting seassions. You did a great planning job.
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I especially liked the lectures on change behavior.
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Amazing experience, reasonably priced. Thanks for all of the thoughtful attention to detail and comfort of participants. Such a phenomenal lineup of speakers.
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Thanks again for a great conference
Thank you so much. I look forward to the 3rd annual conference. Can’t wait to see who the presenters will be.
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Great information to be able to take back to patients. I will have better and broader knowledge base to take back to patients.
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Excellent lectures. Better knowledge on how to approach my patients regarding diatery changes.
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Excellent review of mechanisms of how the plant based diet helps health. Feel now able to confidently discuss with patients the advantages of a plant-based diet.

Wonderful, helpful, exciting sessions. You did a great planning job.
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I will now set up group sessions with patients to teach them the health benefits of eating a vegan diet.
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Fantastic conference. Speakers very approachable.
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Topics were very good, and could be presented again with some depth. Too many speakers — too close together. They were so rushed that they just read slides. Material was too “dumbed down”.
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Thank you for a fantastic conference! So much information to share with the people I talk to about ways to keep their hearts healthy. Can’t wait for May!

Thank you so much for a lovely weekend and for allowing me as a student, and other non-practitioners, to attend!
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First of all, I want to thank you for the tremendous conference you all organized. It was my first and I loved every lecture. I will be back for the next conference in May and will bring a friend! Thanks again, and see you next year!
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So glad for the conference. Great to be around like minded people. Thank you for making it affordable.
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It was great, thanks! So many speakers had to rush through their talks to stay on schedule. Seems like we were always behind and missed out on a lot of slides.
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Awesome and inspiring weekend!
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Great conference — I loved all of the speakers! Recommendation for next year: maybe put a microphone on the floor for the questions.
The latest information on research about nutrition was presented by reliable and professional sources and I will incorporate that data in my practice. The speakers were excellent: informative and interesting. Spending time with people of like mind regarding plant-exclusive nutrition recharged my batteries.
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This was a great conference, learned a lot and met some great people.
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Congratulations again on a terrific conference! What I would find helpful is more speakers/topics that educate me on the latest research for advising clients that are already eating plant based – they don’t need repeated convincing about their epithelium or insulin resistance. They need concrete advice on how to optimize their vegan health and best options during any transitions or set backs. Supplementation. Pros/Cons of titrating downward with statins or not for folks with slow to respond numbers. More on the behavioral stuff and overcoming social limitations clients face. I’m happy you’ve added a day to the conference- especially at the front end! Thanks again!
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I just attended your fabulous inspiring conference in Raleigh. Thanks so much. Yours in Great Plant Based Health
Thanks so much for organizing the fabulous conference.
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I will more boldly recommend plant based diets. Love the case studies.
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I really enjoyed the conference.
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Too many speakers raced through their notes — and I missed some valuable info!
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This was a FANTASTIC conference.
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Thank you so graciously!!
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Thanks for a great conference!
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Loved it!

Thank you for this conference! Panel was amazing!!!
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There was so much good information. Wonderful speakers and topics.
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I have stronger evidence for promoting the adoption of a plant-based diet among my patients. I will do more patient education about plant-based diet.
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Much smoother than last year’s. At times speakers were addressing general public level. Please have more speakers address the last two objectives, integrating nutritional advisement into clinical practice, and behavior change strategies/techniques. Need more info on sustaining long term vegans through all life stages.

Totally excellent conference — Thank you. Fantastic entertaining and educational conference! Best thing about this conference: totally reinforced my belief in vegan diet through scientific evidence!
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Hi – just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the Conference and appreciated how much hard work went into it! Everyone did a fantastic job.
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I will be more willing to talk seriously with patients about diet.
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Great conference!
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The organizers should have done a better job of maintaining the schedule so all material should have had adequate time to be presented. Some material was redundant.
Excellent conference — thank you!
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Thank you. I learnt lots and really enjoyed it.
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I thought the conference was great–I do wish there was less emphasis on “you must be vegan” to get these health benefits–this is just not feasible for some of my pateints–BUT moving to a more plant rich diet is possible and that is what I am taking back to practice. I love all the data I am able to share now. now I have lots of data, hard evidence to share with my patients.
I will discuss plant-based diets with greater knowledge.
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Thank you! Namaste! Onward Vegan Soldiers!
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Thank you, to you and all your fellow organizers!!!
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: )