Ted Barnett, MD
Diagnostic, Vascular and Interventional Radiologist, Unity Health System, Rochester NY
Medic. Dir., Rochester Lifestyle Medic. PLLC
Ted Barnett, MD earned his undergraduate degree in Biology from Yale University and his medical degree from Tufts University, and has been a practicing board-certified diagnostic and vascular and interventional radiologist for nearly 30 years. He has previously served as Adjunct Clinical Faculty and Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiology at the University of Rochester Medical Center. He has created and presented 8 times in Rochester a 6-week course regarding plant-based nutrition that is accredited through the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry for 12 hours of Continuing Medical Education credit. This course has cumulatively been attended by over 365 persons, including laypeople, physicians and other practitioners.
Ted recently founded Rochester Lifestyle Medicine, PLLC for the purpose of bringing plant-based nutrition interventions into the conventional health care system, utilizing the Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP) as its core curriculum. RLM now has a team of 30 trained CHIP facilitators, including 6 physicians, 3 nurse practitioners, and a number of RD’s, PA’s, RN’s, social workers, psychologists, a chiropractor and a yoga instructor.
Dr. Barnett was the principal author, along with Neal Barnard, MD, and Timothy Radak, RDN DrPH, of “Development of Symptomatic Cardiovascular Disease after Self-Reported Adherence to the Atkins Diet”, published 2009 by the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. Calling himself the “High-Tech Doctor with Low-Tech Solutions”, he has made many in-service medical presentations sponsored by hospitals, medical societies and medical schools, and has testified before the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee of the United States Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services. He has served as Co-Coordinator of the Rochester Area Vegan Society for over 20 years. He and is wife Carol have been vegan for 25 years and have raised three lifelong vegan children who are now 23, 26 and 28.